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BRILLION сompany has been working at the Ukrainian climatic market since 1994. The main critera of enterpise activity are reliability of equipment delivered and scientific approach to every project decision. 

BRILLION company has been continuously expanding spheres of influence and directions of activity within many years of work. Climatiс decisions are chosen in complex, from design of ventilation systems and equipment delivery to installation, adjustment and service. As a result, the enterprise has got a great number of regular clients and business partners.

Today the geography of stationing and service of the company branches covers the whole territory of Ukraine. Here are the most important organized and working sectors of the company's activities.

Refrigerating machinery

Low temperature and middle temperature freezers and cases, refrigerating and freezing show-windows and chambers, compressors, condenser units, shock freezing units, demonstration cases and counters for ice-cream, vertical refrigerated display cabinets and horizontal refrigerated display cabinets.

Manufacturing equipment

Lines for distribution and self-service; bar, heating and mechanical equipment; equipment for confectionery shops, convection steamers, ice generators, dishwashers; stainless steel products.


  • Design works for the projects of any complexity and application.
  • Installation of refrigerating equipment and cold rooms with the temperature up to -35єC using sandwich panels with PPU or PPS filling. They are designed for storage of meat, milk, fish products, margarine, and also vegetables, fruit and flowers.
  • Delivery and installation of shock freezing stations, refrigerating machines, air conditioning and ventilation systems for industrial shopfloors, subjects of traffic, and also office and domestic buildings.
  • Planned maintenance.
  • Warranty and post-warranty service, repair.
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